Asthma is a treatable health condition.
Although at present there is no cure, with good management people with asthma can lead normal, active lives.
The key to living with asthma is keeping it under control. This means learning about what causes your asthma symptoms, how to avoid these triggers and how to use your asthma medications correctly.
It is important that you see your doctor for regular check-ups so that he/she can work with you to monitor and control your asthma. Together with your doctor, you can update your personal asthma Action Plan that will help you monitor and manage your asthma.
People who follow their plans are likely to have better controlled asthma, fewer asthma attacks and fewer days off work or school because of their asthma.
Don’t let asthma get in the way of living your life to the full.

More information
For further information about asthma management please visit:
- What is asthma?
- Fact sheets about asthma for patients and carers
- 'How-to' video library (instructional videos on how to use medications)
- Live better with asthma and allergies
For personal advice about your own asthma management please see your doctor.