Asthma Action Plans

Asthma Action Plan
Asthma action plans by National Asthma Council Australia

Asthma Action Plan
Symbicort anti-inflammatory reliever +/- maintenance action plans

Allergic Rhinitis Treatment Planner
A tool to help primary health care professionals develop a treatment plan for patients with asthma and allergic rhinitis

Monoclonal Antibody Therapy for Severe Asthma Chart
This chart lists the four available biologic treatments in Australia.
Peak flow chart
This standardised peak flow chart allows the doctor and the person with asthma to recognise the pattern of that person's asthma over time and to identify flare-ups early.

Selecting & Adjusting Asthma Medication for Adults & Adolescents
The Selecting and Adjusting Medication for Adults and Adolescents chart is an essential education resource for health professionals. It is a visual reference to medications for each level of the popular Selecting and Adjusting Medication for Adults and Adolescents diagram in the Australian Asthma Handbook.
Information Papers

Information Paper
AeroChamber Plus* Flow-Vu* Spacers for pressurised metered-dose inhalers
Every patient prescribed a pMDI should know how to use a spacer and use it when needed or as directed. Spacers should be selected individually to fit the pMDI.

Information Paper
Asthma Adherence
aims to assist those involved in asthma care to understand more about adherence and the factors affecting it, both as a patient issue and an asthma management issue.

Information Paper
Availability of salbutamol nebules - Important update for health professionals
Salbutamol inhalation solution 2.5mg/2.5mL now available, following supply shortage that was anticipated until mid-2024.

Information Paper
Asthma–COPD overlap
A new evidence-based resource for primary care health professionals to help diagnose and manage patients with asthma–COPD overlap.

Information Paper
Inhaler Technique for People with Asthma or COPD
Latest evidence on the prevalence and impact of incorrect technique, plus checklists for using each inhaler correctly

Information Paper
Monoclonal antibody therapy for severe asthma
Four monoclonal antibody therapies (benralizumab, mepolizumab, dupilumab and omalizumab) are available in Australia for the treatment of severe asthma in patients whose asthma is uncontrolled despite optimised standard treatment.

Information Paper
Thunderstorm Asthma: Prepare Your Patients For Spring
A flowchart for pharmacy to help identify and advise at-risk patients.

Information Paper
Work-related asthma - an update for primary health professionals
Exposure to airborne contaminants or adverse conditions at work is an important and preventable cause of asthma and asthma symptoms in adults. About 1 in 4 adults with asthma have asthma that was either caused by their work or is worsened by work conditions.

Information Paper
In-use shelf life of inhalers
A summary of in-use shelf life of inhalers available in Australia from the Australian Register of Therapeutic Goods

Information Paper
Supplementary dispensing labels and information cards for inhalers
The National Asthma Council, in collaboration with PSA, has developed supplementary labels to be affixed to inhalers in addition to the dispensing label.

Information Paper
Intranasal Spray Technique
An overview of current evidence for optimal technique when administering intranasal sprays, which are used in the long-term management of allergic rhinitis.

Information Paper
Patient Centred Health Care in Primary Care
This discussion paper deals with some of the practical ways in which primary care services including general practice, allied health services and community pharmacy can incorporate principles of patient-centred care.

Information Paper
Reducing the environmental impact of asthma treatment
Information for health professionals about reducing the environmental impact of asthma treatment. Many Australians have asthma that is not well controlled. Better asthma management will not only reduce symptoms and help prevent severe exacerbations, but it could also help improve the health of our environment.

Information Paper
Sleep and asthma information for health professionals
Information about the impact of asthma symptoms on sleep and how sleep disturbances impact asthma control.

Information Paper
Spirometer Buyers' Guide

Information Paper
Spirometry Handbook for primary care
Quick Reference Guide

Quick Reference Guide
Asthma in adults quick reference guide
A summary of key recommendations and information on asthma in adults from the Australian Asthma Handbook.
Improving Childhood Asthma Management (ICAM)

Improving Childhood Asthma Management (ICAM)
Improving Childhood Asthma Management in Inner West Melbourne (Primary Health Care)
The National Asthma Council has developed this locally tailored education package to ensure primary health care professionals are equipped with the knowledge and tools to provide high quality asthma care to children in Melbourne’s inner west.

Improving Childhood Asthma Management (ICAM)
Childhood Asthma Guide for Inner West Melbourne (Schools and Sports Clubs)
The National Asthma Council has developed this locally tailored education package to ensure asthma care providers in local education settings and sports clubs including school staff and sports club staff are equipped with the knowledge and tools to provide high quality asthma care to children and adolescents in Melbourne’s inner west.

Asthma Mortality Statistics 2016

Asthma Mortality Statistics 2017

Asthma Mortality Statistics 2018

Asthma Mortality Statistics 2019

Asthma mortality statistics 2022

Asthma Mortality Statistics 2023

Asthma mortality stats 2020

Asthma mortality stats 2021

Asthma inhalers - do you know how to use yours?

Asthma Mortality Statistics 2014

Asthma Mortality Statistics 2015

The Hidden Cost of Asthma

World Asthma Day 2015

National Asthma Week 2024
Updated asthma statistics, reinforcing the need for good asthma management and correct asthma medication device techniques.
Reports & Statistics

Reports & Statistic
Asthma Cycle of Care

Reports & Statistic
Asthma in Australia 2004-05
This survey provides Australia’s only nationwide source of individual experiences with asthma, including prevalence, management, quality of life and exposure to known risk factors.

Reports & Statistic
Asthma in Australia 2008
Asthma remains a significant health problem in Australia, with prevalence and death rates that are high by international standards despite declines, according to this report from the Australian Centre for Asthma Monitoring.

Reports & Statistic
Asthma in Australia 2011
Asthma in Australia 2011 includes information on the number of people who have asthma and who visit their general practitioner, are hospitalised or die due to asthma

Reports & Statistic
Asthma Mortality Statistics
Asthma-related deaths in Australia have now dropped from a peak of 964 in 1989 to less than half that number today. Yet every asthma death is a tragedy, and people of all ages must continue to take asthma seriously.

Reports & Statistic
Burden of Disease Due to Asthma in Australia 2003
The report summarises the asthma-related findings of two key Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW) reports — The burden of disease and injury in Australia 2003 and The burden of disease and injury in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples 2003.

Reports & Statistic
Current practice and new approaches in asthma

Reports & Statistic
Impact of Asthma on Quality of Life 2004
the report provides a comprehensive review of approaches to measuring the impact of asthma on quality of life that can be used in population-based monitoring.

Reports & Statistic
Mortality from Asthma and COPD in Australia 2014

Reports & Statistic
National Asthma Strategy 1999

Reports & Statistic
National Asthma Strategy 2006-08

Reports & Statistic
National Asthma Strategy 2018

Reports & Statistic
Report on the Cost of Asthma 1992

Reports & Statistic
The Hidden Cost of Asthma 2015

Reports & Statistic
Respiratory medication use in Australia 2003-13

Reports & Statistic
Rethinking Written Asthma Action Plans project report

Reports & Statistic
Review of the Six Step Asthma Plan 1999